Need help to turn a good idea into business?


Press Release - Moss 17.02.2022

Need help to turn a good idea into business?

Do you have a business idea for a new or improved product, process, or service that can make offshore wind energy, offshore fish farming, offshore oil & gas, or maritime transport of people or goods green, clean, and sustainable? Do you class yourself as a small or medium-sized enterprise? Or do you know someone sitting on a good idea that needs help to get it off the ground?

We have funding to help turn good ideas into business.

The GreenOffshoreTech project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement #101005541.

Our goal is to support innovation in SMEs and the development of innovative products, processes, and services for Green Offshore Production and Transport.

GreenOffshoreTech has 3 million euros and other resources to help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) across Europe turn good ideas into business. Talk to us if you have an idea to make offshore wind energy, fish farming, oil & gas, or maritime transport green, clean and sustainable.

At GreenOffshoreTech, our primary objective is to support SMEs directly by funding at least 100 SME-driven innovation projects from different sectors and across the different geographical areas covered by the GreenOffshoreTech consortium.

We can help set up Large-scale Demonstrators

In addition to funding SME innovation, our second objective is to use Large-scale Demonstrators to boost cross-sector innovation in SMEs and use them as an open space for regional development. Large-scale Demonstrators encompass the efforts and activities to advance new technology from the laboratory to test and validate in increasingly realistic settings. The intention is that a successfully demonstrated technology is then developed into product-specific applications and then tested and certified in operational environments.

We can help by being the catalyst for success

GreenOffshoreTech was one of the top two proposals in a highly competitive call with 132 applications in the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

GreenOffshoreTech, is a cluster-facilitated project, bringing together nine of Europe's leading clusters and SME intermediaries from 15 regions and 7 countries: Norway, Portugal, Latvia, Poland, Iceland, the UK, and Germany.

Our third objective is to support SMEs by creating a favorable "open space" for cross-sectoral fertilization, value chain innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Why hold back?

Contact GreenOffshoreTech and find out how we can help move your idea forward.

Hans Bjørn Paulsrud

Cluster Manager, CEO, and H2020 GreenOffshoreTech Coordinator

VIKEN Technology Cluster 4.0
Rosenvinges vei 8, 1523 MOSS, Norway

E-mail: – Phone: +47 - 920 12 652

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