Turn good ideas into business
VIKEN Technology Cluster is the GreenOffshoreTech contact point for MNU.
MNU is a Regional Business Development Agency in Norway and lead member of the pan-European consortium behind GreenOffshoreTech. The consortium comprises partners from 15 regions and 7 countries across Europe - Norway, Portugal, Latvia, Poland, Iceland, the United Kingdom, and Germany. VIKEN Technology Cluster is faciliated by MNU.
GreenOffshoreTech was selected as one of the top two proposals in a highly competitive call with 132 applications in the EUs Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
The primary goal of GreenOffshoreTech is to support innovation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), foster cross-sector and trans-national collaboration, and encourage regional business development.
To achieve its objectives, GreenOffshoreTech will set-up a framework for cross-sectoral and trans-national collaboration between SMEs, clusters, and regions. The framework will enabale the development of innovative products, processes and services for Green Offshore Production and Transport. It will promote a resource-efficient Blue Economy, adopting EU’s Green Deal and meeting the challenges of reindustrialization and digitalization.
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